Bet On Yourself

Imagine that each one of us has a coin, which happens to be the exact same size and shape for everyone. The coin is the exact same on both sides, and it doesn’t contain any images or writing on it. The coin itself does have a value, however, no one knows how much the coin is worth because the value is not written on them. The true value of the coin can only be found through the transaction of using the coin to get what you desire. The risk in using your coin only has two possible outcomes:
1 – you get more in return through using your coin
2 – you get nothing in return for your coin and it is considered worthless

So what are you to do?

Value is the regard that something is held to deserve, which can include its importance, worth, or usefulness. Oftentimes value is assessed based on supply and demand, can and can’t, do and don’t, will and won’t. The more that you support the can, the do, and the will, the more they will support you as an increase in value. Those individuals that are perceived as being successful in life know their value, and use it daily in transactions to get what they desire. Those who don’t know their worth often struggle to achieve success because they believe that the coin they possess is not enough to cover the cost of their transactions, so they never leverage it to get anything. Remember each one of us has a coin which is the exact same size and shape for everyone, and the only determining factor for how much your coin will be worth is you.

Are you willing to bet on yourself? Every day the world asks you to make a wager on yourself, and prove your worth. At times I have been found guilty of holding on to my coin out of the fear that what I possess isn’t good enough, and as a result, I got nothing in return. The distortion of believing that our perceived value is less than what the world believes we are really worth is totally false. It is false because the world doesn’t dictate your value…only you can.  Once you learn your personal wealth and the infinite return of your value, you won’t tolerate being devalued or sold short in any situation.

Many people know their value and are getting a full return through leveraging themselves. They know that their coin represents worth, and are striving to gain an increased return on their value daily. Despite any circumstance, once you know your value you will be able to yield lasting positive results. My message is here is that Everyone Has Value, and determining what you are worth is solely up to you. Begin to believe and work to affirm that you are your most valuable resource, and be confident enough to bet on yourself.  I’m willing to bet on me!

the true value of your worth can only be found through the transaction of using yourself to get what you desire

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