If You’re Looking For A Sign, This Is It!

If You’re Waiting For A Sign…This Is It!


I am working to improve on these Freedom Friday messages and this weeks post is a video message to encourage you to pursue your goals and dreams today, without delay. Along with my journey, I have been guilty of procrastinating and waiting for situations to change around me without acting to be the change, and I can tell you from experience that this way of thinking had me lost and confused as I relied on forces outside of me to change things for me. I tentatively waited on a “sign” to show me that today was the day to go for my goals and make that next move, however without a “sign” presenting itself to me I waited to act and accomplished nothing in return.
I am pleased to say that that way of thinking is no longer apart of my psychology, as I now know that the sign that I have been looking for has already been given to me. Once I began to pursue my goals in action, they began to pursue me also in return. Maybe instead of waiting for a sign, we should begin to ask for a sign to help point us in the right direction. What I’ve learned in the balance of the universe with the divine intervention of God, is that if you ask for something it will be given. Now it may not come to you in the way that you thought, or it may not come to you the time that you thought it would, but you will be given exactly what you need to assist in your progression.
My message to you this week is that you should constantly stay in motion and don’t wait for a sign, but work towards your goals and signs of direction will appear. The sign that you need has already been given in the fact that you are looking for direction on which way to go next. So Instead of waiting for a sign, ask for a sign and I promise you it will be given. If you ask for a direction of what to do, just be receptive and open to listening because your answer is on its way. Remember, you don’t have to wait for a sign to get started, just look around you as a sign is already there.
freedom is as freedom does

“Thank God I’m Free”

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