Is it time for you to LEAP?


In life, you will always have the opportunity to do something new and with that requires the need to LEAP. Your ability to jump from one situation to another by making a complete crossover is needed for survival, as you challenge yourself to achieve your ambitions in a constantly changing world. The concept of a LEAP is designed to give you a successful outcome by using a four-step process that will help you transition through any situation, at any point in your life.  Please consider the below…
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Learn – Learning is the beginning of where you start anything. Make sure you think about the task you want to achieve and conduct research to learn as much as you possibly can about it. Learning about what you want is just as important as learning what you don’t want, and your ability to vet and consider the pros and cons of any situation will help you determine both the path and timing that are right for you. Knowledge is power, and your ability to learn will directly help you build the mental muscle that will be needed to produce successful results.
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Experience – Once you’ve identified exactly what you want to do you need to gain experience through participating in multiple activities that come with the desired task. The best way to do this is by spending your time in environments where the desired action is already taking place. In example, if you want to become a painter you should attend local art galleries to interact with other artists and begin to ask individuals about their techniques and journey to success. This is your opportunity to explore the craft more in depth through learning about the profession first hand. Your ability to gain insight from people who can give you knowledge to succeed will allow you to gain experience based on their actions. This will be key in helping you to navigate pitfalls and accomplishments, as you will be able to learn from the mistakes and successes of others.
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Apply – This is where you put your learning and experience into action. Your actions are foundational to creating change. Once you have learned through experience you must apply what your know, and continue to do so as you progress. Overtime your consistent actions will become habits that create process, and creating a process of actions is needed to know which actions should be maintained or avoided. Please do something productive with your knowledge and experience, or else knowledge and experience won’t be able to do anything productive for you.
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Production. This is the fruit of your labor, as you are doing the vision that you had for yourself when you began this journey…some call this “living the dream”. You’ve reached the pinnacle of your actions by being able to produce what you imagined you would, and you are manifesting your reality. Your production is how you will evaluate your growth and any additional changes that may be needed to continue to achieve the desired result. Production can be slow and will take time to achieve, however if you continue to learn, experience, and apply processes to your craft you will produce lasting results.

Remember that in order to get a different result you must do something differently. I hope that this process is able to assist you in your transition to becoming your best as you Learn, Experience, Apply, and Produce the best life imagined for yourself.


                 "Thank God I'm Free"
                     make the LEAP

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