Great Achievement Requires Great Sacrifice


On today we in the United States celebrate Memorial Day as we pay homage to those who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country.  According to various sources the first Memorial Day was held in 1865 in the wake of the American Civil War and served as the first gathering  to remember the fallen, and the sacrifice they made for for freedom.  Through this annual celebration of sacrifice you will find the focus for this weeks post, as we all should be mindful in appreciation of the sacrifice that is required in order for our personal progress to occur.


As the world turns and our days transition from morning to morning, it is easy to forget and take for granted the freedom that we experience in this country.  Our Western civilized culture is one that allows all citizens life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as outlined in our Declaration of Independence. These three virtues serve as examples of unalienable rights, as they are unable to be taken away from the person that possesses them and are part of US citizenship.  The beauty of Memorial Day is that it allows us to remember that our rights are afforded for us, and it is through the dedicated toil of the armed forces alongside civilian efforts that allow us to celebrate their sacrifices.

My message this Memorial Day is simply one of gratitude to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice of life, while working to preserve and improve the quality of life for others.  Although this lesson is one that takes on the appearance of military dress codes and proper protocol,  it is also one that is transferable to all people as we work to achieve.


In order to advance your career, self, family, business, relationship, or whatever it is that you want you will need to sacrifice.  Sacrifice is defined as the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially, in order to get or do something for someone else.  The importance in sacrifice is that you are creating actions to advance an agenda, and what you are sacrificing is necessary in order for you to achieve the desired level of success.

In the pursuit of your personal life, liberty, and happiness it is important to understand that you will have to sacrifice the things that are not needed, in order to gain the things that are.  This may include your sleep, finances, and some relationships, however your sacrifice doesn’t have to be permanent as often times the sacrifice required is only for a short time while the successes achieved will have residual impact.  When working towards your goals your effort is never in vain.

Be mindful of the sacrifices afforded to you, and utilize them to create sacrifices that will aid in your success.  After all, you deserve your best.


make the rest of your life the best of your life

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