Planning + Process = Production – Get It Done


Do you believe that it is possible to achieve a goal? I sure do, and I hope that you do as well. I was thinking of what  message to share that will directly help you accomplish a goal, while also sharing a lesson that has been beneficial to me in my personal development.  What I landed on has been the foundation to my personal growth, and I know that it will be good for others as well because planning + process = production. I am convinced that the equation applies to any situation, and when done correctly will yield positive results. Visualizing your goal is an important and will be needed until the end, as the vision is what got you going initially. No matter if your goal is to get a promotion at work, to improve your health, or run for a public office the following will assist.



You need a plan. In order to get to a certain destination you will need directions. Your ability to think of a plan will be needed so that you can identify what will be needed to succeed, and how you will do it. Passion is great to have, however passion without a plan is like being thirsty and not knowing where to find water. Water is what you are visioning which serves as your passion, and planning will allow you to figure out how to get to the water source. Your plan should encompass any actionable step that will need to be done, and should have deadlines so that you can meet progress.

He who fails to plan, is planning to fail – Winston Churchill


You need a process. The actions that you display as you work towards your goal should be planned and followed. Following the plan is exactly what a process is, and it is designed to help you move forward. Imagine if you have a plan but you have put no process in place on how the actions you planned will be followed. You will know what you need to do to get water and quench your thirst, however you will not know how to use the things you planned for properly. Similar to growing and developing as a child, you will have to first crawl and walk before you run, and the proper process will keep you moving forward as planned.


You need production. This is where the hard work pays off and you are able to see the fruits of your labor. You were thirsty, visualized drinking, planned for it, worked at it, and achieved water. You did the rain dance, and it is now pouring. Production is the reminder of what you wanted in the beginning, as it is tangibly yours and the circle is complete. Production will come as long as you have a plan and a process. If it seems that you are not making the desired strides towards your goal you must change either your plan, process, or both.


Since you are reading this right now you have succeeded at the goal of staying alive, and have the opportunity to gain whatever you are willing to sacrifice for.  In your daily journey, be sure to take the time to be thankful for what you have, and the people that you get to share your life with. Reward yourself by working hard for what you want, and follow the planned process for your production.



make the rest of your life, the best of your life!

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